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Case Study 1: A Boutique Toy Brand Breaks Into New Markets


A burgeoning toy company, known for their innovative and unique toy designs.


Seeking to expand their business to international markets, but facing challenges with sourcing materials and managing supply chain logistics.


JiaYu Sourcing was able to identify reliable suppliers for their unique material needs and effectively manage their supply chain, facilitating their expansion into new markets.


The company successfully expanded its business into multiple new international markets, resulting in a significant increase in revenue.

Case Study 2: Expanding a Children’s Bicycle Business


An established manufacturer of children’s bicycles, seeking to increase their market presence.


The company needed to find cost-effective, high-quality components for their bicycles to stay competitive in the market while expanding their product line.


JiaYu Sourcing provided end-to-end sourcing services, helping to find reliable suppliers for high-quality components at competitive prices. Additionally, JiaYu facilitated the clearance and transportation process for all imported materials.


The company saw a significant growth in their market presence and a boost in sales, breaking into new territories they had previously been unable to reach.

Case Study 3: Boosting Brand Identity Through Custom Jewelry Design


A popular fashion brand looking to extend its product line into jewelry.


The brand wanted to create a line of custom-designed jewelry, but they lacked the expertise and resources to do so.


With JiaYu Sourcing’s extensive experience in product development and sourcing, they were able to guide the brand through the entire process. From creating design specifications to identifying quality suppliers for production, JiaYu Sourcing facilitated the brand’s successful entry into the jewelry market.


The jewelry line was a hit, leading to a significant increase in sales and enhanced brand recognition.

Case Study 4: A Jewelry Brand’s Successful Market Entry


A jewelry company wanting to enter the Chinese market.


The company had little understanding of Chinese consumer tastes and trends, making it difficult for them to break into the market.


JiaYu Sourcing provided in-depth market research, identifying opportunities and consumer preferences. We also helped source locally-inspired designs and materials, ensuring the company’s offerings resonated with Chinese consumers.


The company successfully entered the Chinese market, with their jewelry being well-received by local consumers, leading to increased sales and brand recognition.

Case Study 5: A Daily Goods Retailer Improves Procurement Efficiency


A retailer specializing in daily goods.


The retailer was dealing with a complicated and inefficient procurement process that involved multiple suppliers, resulting in inconsistent product quality and delayed deliveries.


JiaYu Sourcing consolidated the client’s procurement process, connecting them with reliable suppliers for all their product categories. This reduced the complexity of dealing with multiple suppliers and ensured a consistent, high-quality product supply.


The retailer saw improved operational efficiency, cost savings, and enhanced product quality, leading to higher customer satisfaction.
